
The P1 takes place in the winter semester. We offer 15 experiments in 5 subject areas of classical physics, from which we make a selection before the semester starts. You will be assigned to the experiments in a rotating procedure and will carry out each selected experiment. A preliminary experiment on data evaluation precedes the actual experiments. All experiment teams conduct the preliminary data analysis experiment together with their tutors. After completion, we publish a sample report that can serve as a template for the reports of the subsequent experiments.
There are one or two dates (after the regular course has ended) available for you to make up for missed experiments.

Below you will find the most important information about the P1 experiments and their execution compiled:

Experiment Instructions

Information about the Experiments

You can find the instructions for the P1 experiments in this GitLab directory of the SCC (user ID required). Direct links to the instructions, as well as additional introductory information for each experiment, can also be found in the table below.

Instructions  (GitLab)

Version Room Subject Area
Datenverarbeitung am Beispiel des Pendels


at home


Elektrische Messverfahren V34,35,36 F2-17 Messverfahren
Oszilloskop V31,32,33 F1-29 Messverfahren
Vierpole und Leitungen V53,54,55 F1-17 Messverfahren
Elastizität V11,12,13 F1-19 Mechanik
Aeromechanik V23,24,25 F1-10 Mechanik
Pendel V20,21,22 F1-11 Mechanik
Resonanz V17,18,19 F1-21 Mechanik
Kreisel V26,27,28 F1-15 Mechanik
Geometrische Optik V40,41,42 F1-13 Optik
Lichtgeschwindigkeit V43,44,45 F1-12 Optik
Ferromagnetische Hysterese V83,84,85 F1-16 Elektrodynamik
Spezifische Ladung des Elektrons V71,72,73 F1-14 Elektrodynamik
Schaltlogik V63,64,65 F1-08 Elektronik